open thread

No disintegrations. Did you all notice we got Steven to post about video games?

3 responses to “open thread”

  1. HC Avatar

    Now if only we could get him to play some…

  2. Mark Avatar

    Heh, his entire post was pretty much explaining why he doesn’t play though…

    I think Steven (and the author of the article he links) makes a decent point, but there are some things I don’t get sick of so quickly… I seem to be placated by some of the subtle improvements. I don’t know if it will be enough to cause another video game crash, though…

  3. Tagore Avatar

    I thought his post was interresting, but I’d like to poke one hole in his argument (and for obvious reasons I won’t be mailing it to him). The console industry doesn’t need old people like us to stay interested. It just needs fresh suckers. For every SDB, there might be an entirely unjaded 15 year old lusting after the newest console, and 15 year olds are in a better position than ever to buy them (I have never owned a console- the one I lusted after the most was the 2600, but there was no possibility that I could have one at the time, given the price and my age- a few years younger than 15 when the 2600 came out).

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