open thread

what are you all up to?

Oh, forgot to mention. It’s been insanely cold here. So insanely cold that our front door is frozen shut. All pizza deliveries must be routed through the garage.

4 responses to “open thread”

  1. Steven Den Beste Avatar

    Me? Recovering my eyesight. Not a lot else.

  2. Don Avatar

    Grumbling, watching a little anime and listening to a lot of Bach.

  3. fledgling otaku Avatar
    fledgling otaku

    Steven, I’m glad to hear it. I can’t imagine what anxiety you must have experienced when this all started. I’m so paranoid about my eyes that I even shy away from contacts.

    Don, why grumbling?

  4. Don Avatar

    I’ve got a broken ankle, which is a blasted nuisance.

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