so say we all?

Contra Edward James Olmos’ assertion a few days ago that Galactica would end after finding Earth in season 4, comes this from producer David Eick:

Contrary to comments by Edward James Olmos (Adm. Adama) at the Saturn Awards on May10, no end has been announced for the award-winning show. Battlestar Galactica is preparing to film its fourth season, one that will include 22 episodes, rather than the previously announced 13.

“For those of you who have been paying attention over the years, this is not the first time Eddie has made an announcement about the possibility of the show’s end,” chuckled Eick. “I promise you that when [executive producer] Ron [Moore] and I make a decision about Galactica’s future, we’ll let you know.”

The plot thickens. Note that Ron Moore has not weighed in himself, as yet. Also, I think that it’s significant that Eick didn’t bother to address the fact that they are finding Earth next season. I think we can safely assume that to be the case regardless of whether the powers that be decide that Galactica needs a season 5.

However, given SciFi’s track record on canceling shows, the expensive nature of production for Galactica, and the fact that Galactica almost had no season 3 or a half-season 4, I think Eick is just blowing smoke here.

UPDATE: From a SciFi Q&A with Ron Moore a while back:

I think our show has a definite beginning, middle and end. There’s a story to be told here that moves toward a definite conclusion and I think our biggest mistake would be to just try and continue to churn out episodes for as long as we could get them on the air. Certain stories need an ending, and this is one of them. I’ll miss it more than you can know, but you gotta be true to the tale you’re telling.

I think that pretty much settles it. Incidentally, the rest of that Q&A is worth reading, particularly for this nugget:

Q. Do you already know who the fifth cylon of the final five is? If so, have you already left us some clues?

A. Yes and yes.