Kid Fusion

What’s a normal teen like 17-year old Thiago Olson to do nowadays? play video games? hang out at the mall? build a working fusion prototype in his parents’ basement?

My favorite part:

“Originally, he wanted to build a hyperbolic chamber,” [Thiago’s mom] said, adding that she promptly said no. But, when he came asking about the nuclear fusion machine, she relented.

A hyperbolic chamber, eh? Yeah, right. Mom, you got rolled. Kid: ask for a DeLorean next.

3 responses to “Kid Fusion”

  1. Steven Den Beste Avatar

    I wonder if they really meant “hypobaric”?

  2. fledgling otaku Avatar
    fledgling otaku

    don’t you mean hyperbaric? regardless, isn’t that a relatively dull, and safe thing compared to a fusion reactor?

  3. Steven Den Beste Avatar

    Hyperbaric (high pressure) would scare the dickens out of me, depending on the pressures involved. But yes, if you consider that the fusion experiment could produce neutrons and consider the high voltage required, the fusion experiment would be worse. That wasn’t the point I was trying to make.

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