Tag: The Office

  • The Office Hobbit

    Martin Freeman. The Office. The Hobbit. It’s just… yes. Yes it is.

    Now, if only there was some way to fold Sherlock into it… would be the Freeman trifecta

  • Donna for Office!

    Michael Scott is resigning from Dunder Mifflin, who will replace him? Count me on Team Donna!

    Ray Romano, James Spader, and Catherine Tate will join Will Arnett and Ricky Gervais as guest stars on Steve Carell’s last episode of The Office. They’ll appear as candidates to be office manager. So will one of them be Carell’s replacement? You can probably rule out Romano, who is committed to Men of a Certain Age. Arnett also just got an NBC pilot of his own, while Gervais is unlikely to return to the show he created in Britain. TVLine says Spader and Tate are the only two with “ a realistic chance” of taking over.

    Catherine Tate played Donna on the new Dr Who and she was easily the best Companion the Doctor ever had. In fact I’ll make the assertion now that she is the best Companion of all 11 Doctors to date, despite my having not actually seen the older series. She was, to borrow a Britishism, brilliant. Tate is amazing and she could really bring an acerbic take to the manager role.

    If they pick James Spader over her, I’m not sure there’s any point to even watching the post-Michael era.

    The appearance by Gervais should be fun though. I’m hoping he will be in character from UK Office. Maybe he immigrated?

    UPDATE: Will Ferrell will play a temp manager while they find Michael’s replacement. I’m not sure if he can pull off ironic humor though. He’s more of a unsubtle freight train.


  • The Office

    The Office returns tonight!

    I got seriously hooked on this via Netflix, which really makes it easy to feed a TV addiction (and I’m not alone).

    My favorite character is Michael but most of the online quiz thingies have me pegged as Jim. Or Pam. Go figure 😛 I think this show is the closest heir to Seinfeld on modern television. The actual plot is basically about Nothing. Sure, the characters fall in and out of various romances but that’s like window dressing for the utter pointlessness of their daily grind. A lot of us can relate to that 🙂

    UPDATE: a preview, the first minute and a half from NBC.com: