Countdown to 50 years old #50to50

in roughly one month, I will be 50 months from 50 years old. A friend of mine on Facebook just reached that milestone and decided to embrace it as a driving force for change:

I realized today that I’m 50 months away from being 50 years old. At first that seemed shockingly close, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized that I CAN DO SO MUCH in fifty months to make significant improvements to my life and the lives of the people around me.
So here is my commitment: I will make one small change every month between now and December 24th, 2023. I will share each change and my progress publicly. I want to see what’s possible in 50 months.

I love everything about this. I intend to follow suit, and will document it here.

Any ideas on what changes i should make? I have to come up with 50, after all :p

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