Teh Kewl: Plush Millennium Falcon, AT-AT, and X-Wing toys

I saw these in the picture gallery of this lucky toddler’s Star-Wars themed nursery, and thought immediately Oh Emm Gee:

I’m sure there must be a plush Death Star out there somewhere, too.

3 responses to “Teh Kewl: Plush Millennium Falcon, AT-AT, and X-Wing toys”

  1. Steven Den Beste Avatar

    And still no Guchuko plush. (Sob)

  2. Otaku-kun Avatar

    I’ve had my eye on this plush Catbus for a while, actually, for the girls. But it’s s expensive it might as well not exist 😛

  3. Steven Den Beste Avatar

    I was tempted the other day by a Ricotta Elmar plush, but thought better of it. If I had a girl relative the age of your kids, though, I’d probably have gotten it for her.


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